埃尔迈拉大学 and 圣母高中 Forge Dual Enrollment Agreement

圣母高中 and 埃尔迈拉大学 signed an agreement for dual enrollment that gives Notre Dame students opportunities to take college courses 在电子商务. 从今年秋天开始,圣母大学三年级和四年级的学生都得3分.0 grade point average or higher can enroll in EC courses at a discounted tuition rate and earn college credits.

“This community partnership significantly benefits Notre Dame students and their families as well as 圣母高中 and 埃尔迈拉大学,帕特里夏·爱尔兰说, mg冰球突破豪华版下载教务长. “Dual Enrollment programs are a cost-effective way for students to preview college and experience their benefits first-hand. 另外, 在电子商务, our small classes and supportive faculty provide an ideal entry for younger students as they explore fields of study that will help them choose a major later.”

帕特里夏·麦克, 圣母高中校长评论道, “Notre Dame is excited to offer the dual enrollment option to ND juniors and seniors. The program will allow students to select courses to enhance their learning and provide them additional opportunities to explore coursework not offered at ND. 像这样, this may ultimately help them identify a course of study post-graduation if they choose to pursue a higher education degree. Notre Dame is confident that 埃尔迈拉大学’s small class sizes will support the students’ transition, helping them manage the college workload expectations and facilitate their success. 此外, it allows students to experience campus life and helps lessen the anxiety often associated with applying for and pursuing a college education.”

埃尔迈拉大学 and 圣母高中 Forge Dual Enrollment Agreement

根据行业研究, including reports by Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation and the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, 双录取项目的学生获得了更高的大学gpa, 积累更多大学学分, 并且持续比他们的同龄人更高的比率.

The research also highlighted the benefits of dual enrollment programs in helping underrepresented students and students from lower-income families, 尤其是第一代学生. These students gain a clearer understanding of what to expect from college and alleviate some of the initial stress of adjusting to college while carrying a full course load. 它还对大学的负担能力产生了潜在影响. 这取决于学生获得了多少学分, they could save on their college tuition and even earn their college degree more quickly.

埃尔迈拉大学 and 圣母高中 Forge Dual Enrollment Agreement

“随着大学教育成本的不断增加, Notre Dame is pleased to partner with 埃尔迈拉大学 and offer the students an affordable way to earn college credits. 我们有47%的学生获得了经济援助, the savings will help ensure all of our students have the opportunity to enroll in the program,麦克补充说。.

Notre Dame students in the program are invited to apply to 埃尔迈拉大学. The credits they earn 在电子商务 will become part of the student’s permanent college transcript and, 这取决于机构, 转到其他四年制大学.

The courses offered to Notre Dame students will depend on seat availability and the EC Registrar will review available courses with Notre Dame’s guidance office prior to the beginning of each EC Term.


圣母高中, 7-12年级是埃尔迈拉的一所天主教初中和高中, New York serving students of all faith traditions in the southern tier of New York and the northern tier of Pennsylvania. The school is a ministry of the Sisters of Mercy providing Mercy values, 学术, and robust extracurricular activities for young men and women since 1955.


成立于1855年, mg冰球突破豪华版下载是一所私立大学, 住宅, 文理学院提供30多个专业, 荣誉项目, 17个学会, 全美大学生体育协会第三分部成员,拥有18支校际球队. 位于纽约南指湖地区, Elmira's undergraduate and graduate student population hails from more than 20 states and nine countries. mg冰球突破豪华版下载是一所美国优等生协会学院,并被评为顶尖大学, 在全国范围内, 学生实习. 学院也是马克·吐温研究中心的所在地, 这是美国四个具有重要历史意义的吐温遗产之一.S., which attracts Twain scholars and educators from around the world for research on the famous literary icon. 为自己的历史和传统感到自豪, 学院致力于社区服务的理想, 智力和个人成长.
